Websites, SEO & Social Media

Website Development
Building and configuring websites has been our core focus for 15 years. We love the challenge of fitting all the pieces of the puzzle into a great design that functions as a true reflection of your business or organization.
We develop on one of the top Content Management tools on the market. This allows us to be extremely fast at making simple or even more complicated changes to your website.
The success of a website in attracting visitors today is a very multi-faceted marketing challenge. The use of hand held devices like phones, to browse websites in record numbers, means that we must develop websites that are adaptable on the fly to any device that is used.
We are pleased to say we only develop such responsive websites and there is no additional cost for this development.
The success of a website in attracting visitors today is a very multi-faceted marketing challenge. The use of hand held devices like phones, to browse websites in record numbers, means that we must develop websites that are adaptable on the fly to any device that is used.
We are pleased to say we only develop such responsive websites and there is no additional cost for this development.
Search Engine Optimization
The most missunderstood and complicated part of website development is getting your website ranked well on search engines. We believe we have many of the answers but never all, no one does. If someone says they do, run away fast!

The Google Algorithm
It is reported there are over 200 factors that search engines like Google look at when ranking your website agaisnt the millions of others out there. From it being secure with a SSL to how fast it loads, the list is amazingly long and diverse.

Grab The Low Hanging Fruit
Not familiar with the term? It means take what is easy first. There remains thankfully some relatively easy fixes that many websites lack. We'll grab those first and get things on the way up.

Set & Forget Is So Last Decade
It is virtually mandatory now that your website is kept up to date with new and relatable content to rank well. The days of "Build it and they will come" are over. So monitoring of ranking results and improving your website content is essential.
Social Media Development
Along with a quality website presence and several other essential marketing tools, Social Media (SM) has now become the #1 way to drive engagement in your product or brand. But it aint easy mate! Whether you do it yourself or rely on us we have can offer valuable advice.
What We Can Help With
- Set Up All 3 Social Media accounts
- Posting Your Articles You Create
- Discover New Content To Post
- Developing a Full SM Strategy
- Posting Your Articles You Create
- Discover New Content To Post
- Developing a Full SM Strategy
- Post to FB, Twitter & IG For You
- Post 12, 25 or 40 or more times a month
- Create specialized graphics
- Monitor and report on SM traffic
- Post 12, 25 or 40 or more times a month
- Create specialized graphics
- Monitor and report on SM traffic